Common Object Model — Abbreviated COM. A specification from Microsoft and DEC to provide cross platform interoperability across non Windows platforms. COM was developed to allow networks using Microsoft s OLE technology to communicate with networks using DEC s… … Dictionary of networking
Common Diagnostic Model — The Common Diagnostics Model, or CDM, is a diagnostics standard developed and maintained by the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF). CDM models the entire flow of diagnosis from test discovery, configuration and execution to progress updates … Wikipedia
Common Object Request Broker Architecture — The Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) is a standard defined by the Object Management Group (OMG) that enables software components written in multiple computer languages and running on multiple computers to work together (i.e., it… … Wikipedia
Common Object Request Broker Architecture — Die Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA, englisch für Allgemeine Architektur für Vermittler von Objekt Anforderungen) ist eine Spezifikation für eine objektorientierte Middleware, deren Kern ein sog. Object Request Broker, der ORB… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Common Information Model (computing) — The Common Information Model (CIM) is an open standard that defines how managed elements in an IT environment are represented as a common set of objects and relationships between them. This is intended to allow consistent management of these… … Wikipedia
Common Object Request Broker Architecture — CORBA, acronyme de Common Object Request Broker Architecture, est une architecture logicielle, pour le développement de composants et d’Object Request Broker ou ORB. Ces composants, qui sont assemblés afin de construire des applications complètes … Wikipédia en Français
Common Object Request Broker Architecture — Abbreviated CORBA. A standard from the Object Management Group (OMG), whose members include SunMicrosystems, Hewlett Packard, DEC, and IBM, that enables communications between distributed object oriented applications, regardless of the… … Dictionary of networking
Component Object Model — Not to be confused with COM file. Component Object Model (COM) is a binary interface standard for software componentry introduced by Microsoft in 1993. It is used to enable interprocess communication and dynamic object creation in a large range… … Wikipedia
Document Object Model — Not to be confused with Domain Object Model. HTML HTML and HTML5 Dynamic HTML XHTML XHTML Mobile Profile and C HTML Canvas element Character encodings Document Object Model Font family HTML editor HTML element HTML Fr … Wikipedia
Component Object Model — В данной статье или разделе имеется список источников или внешних ссылок, но источники отдельных утверждений остаются неясными из за отсутствия сносок … Википедия
Text Object Model — Значимость предмета статьи поставлена под сомнение. Пожалуйста, покажите в статье значимость её предмета, добавив в неё доказательства значимости по частным критериям значимости или, в случае если частные критерии значимости для… … Википедия